A website is an integral component to your complete marketing package. Your website should be easy to navigate, sprinkled with well-chosen keywords, SEO ready, and have enough interactive elements and new content to keep your visitors returning. At DEL Communications, we can create a small-to-medium website tailored to your publication.
Canada School Destinations is designed as a portal currently linking to Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ottawa and Toronto school destination websites.
Visitors to can learn more about each individual magazine-style directory; link directly to their magazine of choice; subscribe to a digital copy; browse each website’s online field trip directory, or get their destination listed in the directory.
Having a portal to several websites is an effective way of marketing several websites using one.
North America’s website dedicated to all things potash. Top five visiting countries include Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and China.
Visitors can interact with the site and read the digital version of PotashWorks annual print magazine and browse back issues; read The Potash Producer three-times-a-year electronic newsletter, browse back issues and subscribe; search products and services in the online directory and submit their own free listing; get stock quotes; read the updated potash news blog; and submit press releases or stories.
One of six provincial websites dedicated to school field trips and school destinations. All six websites are accessible from
Visitors can read the magazine-style directory online; browse back issues; view a transportation guide; subscribe for a digital copy; get listed; or browse by activity, grade or region.
A teaser email is sent to recipients, who then return to the website to read the latest issue of The Ontario Mineral Producer four-time electronic newsletter; browse back issues; subscribe; get stock quotes; read the updated Ontario mining news blog; or post their press release or story in real time.
Visitors can interact with the site and read the digital version of North of 60 Mining & Exploration Review print magazine and browse back issues; read Mining Your Business two-times-a-year electronic newsletter, browse back issues and subscribe; search products and services in the online directory and submit their own free listing; read the updated North of 60 news blog; and submit press releases or stories.
Crush is the Canadian vineyard and winery magazine, printed twice per year. Visitors can read the latest issue; browse back issues, read stories in the news blog; receive digital copies; submit their free listing; search over 600 wineries in all provinces and over 200 suppliers across North America.
B.C. Tugboat magazine is a unique, one-of-a-kind, two-time publication targeting British Columbia’s tugboat industry.
Read the latest issue online, browse back issues, and read the news blog.